
What is the End Vision of Missions Mobilization?

By February 16, 2019No Comments

Sometimes in the day to day grind of mobilization it is easy to loose perspective of why mobilization is not only important, but necessary for the church. Almost on a daily basis, spending 8-10 hours teaching leaders in different churches, in different countries about missions is not the end vision or the goal. The goal is for churches in Latin America to mobilize their own people locally in missions and be able to send out their own workers to unreached. The goal is that the unreached have access to the Gospel and respond, the church be planted where there was no church before. Rev. 7:9  where all people from all tribes, tongues, nations are dressed in white robes before our God and the Lamb, praising Him! That is the end vision! 

But there has to be a plan to move people, that is where intentional, structured mobilization comes in. Not just teaching about missions, but helping regular church members take their next step into becoming an instrument God’s mission both locally and globally. That is what we do every single week in Global Focus, in multiple areas of Latin America, mobilizing churches and individuals, and now God is being glorified in multiple areas of the world!