
God’s Kingdom is Expanding to other Nations

By October 27, 2018No Comments
E.H. and his family have been serving in the Middle East for 6 years. They have been able to learn the local language and to share their faith, preach and teach. God has been using this family from Mexico in an extraordinary way where they are serving. They are helping disciple house church pastors, starting house churches, discipling new believers. Now they are discipling believers from small villages that have come to faith, helping them start house churches in their area.
Literally every week we are receiving reports from Latin American families from churches that we have mentored, and helped to send to the field, of mslms coming to faith in Christ, publicly identifying with Christ in baptism, new house churches being birthed. The church is emerging where there was no church! Why? Because there should always be a traceable link between our mobilization efforts and expanding the Kingdom of God.