
MOBILIZATION That is Impacting the Nations

By October 20, 2018No Comments

Last week I wrote that the goal of mobilization is to impact the lostness of the nations. I want to continue to show you how that is happening in Latin America. Mobilization is not the goal, mobilization is the vehicle that takes us the real goal, which is God being glorified by His Kingdom being expanded to all peoples. When we help mobilize churches in Latin America, we are always working towards the same end game. We want to help them to glorify God, by expanding His Kingdom in their own Jerusalem, and all the way to the unreached people groups on the other side of the world. This does not happen with a single event, but this only happens through an intentional process. We help churches align around God’s mission, then organize and mobilize their people to execute that mission. Then the final step is to celebrate what God is doing around the world, and see even more opportunities to engage with Him.