
What new pastors in Latin America are saying about Global Focus

By October 4, 2018No Comments
Our Global Focus process is challenging churches all ove Latin America to embrace a new way of thinking about the church. What dominates the mindset of many churches are their weekend services, their own installations, their members, their staff and their programs. What should dominate our mindset is the mission of the church; to make disciples locally and globally. To extend the Kingdom of God to all peoples and nations. When we segment missions into a department or a select few individuals (ie: missionaries only, or missions committee members) then missions is not the mission of the church. Global Focus helps churches return to the reason that the church was formed, as the primary instrument of fulfilling God’s mission in the entire world.

Churches all over Latin America are being challenged in this paradigm.Not only the hundreds of churches that we are already working with, but the new churches that our facilitators are launching with are getting it from the inception. Listen to what one pastor from Peru said right after they had 6 hours of the initial Global Focus seminar in their church:
We just finished the initial Global Focus seminar, it was a day of blessing and arduous work for each and every member of our church. Today we are challenged to be a local – global church and fulfill God’s vision for the entire world. We will assume our role with passion and love for our God!” Pastor Marco Antonio Ayala of Bible Baptist Church of Peralvillo, Peru.


Pablo Caruachin, our Peru Director has launched with several new churches in Peru, this is just a sample of one of the new churches he is mentoring.

Mauricio Tejada and Paul Vargas Global Focus facilitators and pastors of a Global Focus model church in Arequipa, Peru. They have launched Global Focus in the northern part of Chile at First Baptist Church of Arica, Chile. The pastor of  this church attended the Global Celebration in Arequipa,  and wanted the same passion for missions they saw there for their own church.

They are also mentoring another church in their own city. Vida Abundante B.C. is in Arequipa, Peru, and they just did the 2nd Module, where they help align their entire church around the singular mission of God. Pray for these new churches as they have started a process that will end up mobilizing their entire church, and hopefully one day sending out their own workers to the fields.