
New church in Arequipa, Peru starts the Global Focus process

By August 27, 2018No Comments
Vida Abundante (Abundant Life) Baptist Church has seen how God is moving in Vida Nueva. Last June, I held a training event for Global Focus in Lima, Peru, we had 30 pastors and leaders attend 4 days of in intensive training. The pastor of Vida Abundante said, “That is exactly what I need to mobilize my own people”. This past week, pastor Mauricio Tejada (one of the pastors of Vida Nueva, and the director of Pioneers Peru) started mentoring this church in the same missional process that has brought such transformation to their own church. He was able to take all of the leaders through the initial seminar, teaching them that the Biblical basis for missions is not the need, but the Glory of God. God desires to be glorified among all peoples. He also taught them of the great need that exists, especially among the unreached, and how the church was formed in order to fulfill that mission. He finished by teaching them, that God desires for every follower of Christ to fulfill His mission for their lives, and His mission is Him being glorified among all peoples.