
Global Focus continues to challenge churches to send their own people to the Nations

By August 27, 2018No Comments


The mobilization is not about preaching an inspiring sermon or teaching a great lesson about the great need among the unreached. At it’s core, mobilization is about helping churches, and people to intentionally move. As disciples of Christ, He has called us to deny our own mission, and take up His. So mobilization is about helping every single church member understand that missions is not for just a select few, but His Mission is for every Christ follower. In our Global Focus process, we help churches mobilize (move) their own people; out into their own communities on mission with Christ, and to the nations, the unreached, on mission with Christ. So at the end of the day, mobilization is not judged on how good our sermon or lesson was, it is judged at how many churches and people are moving with Christ on His Mission.