
God Continues to Call Latin Americans to the Nations

By August 14, 2018No Comments

This summer we have been able to send 2 new candidates for the summer on extended vision trips. Because we are in so many churches in Latin America, we are constantly recruiting new candidates, but also finding men and woman that God has already been working in their lives. I would like to tell you about 2 young professionals from Mexico that we sent to different areas to work with Latin American partners.


From Guadalajara to the Middle East

M.G’s parents are Mexican Baptist missionaries in one of the least reached areas of Mexico. When at a Global Celebration of one of our Global Focus churches in Mexico, they found out that there was a family from Mexico serving in a particular country they immediately engaged me about their 25 yr. old son. M.G. is an electronic engineer, and has been praying for a specific country in the Middle East for over 10 yrs. but he never knew that there was a family from Mexico serving there. We were able to send M.G. to work with E.H. and his family in this country, he was able to learn some of the language, culture, and participate in the projects they are developing.
He was able to participate weekly in the house church that E.H. has started. He also helped to organize a youth camp for the local teens from the house church, this was the first youth camp organized for this teens from this particular people group! While he was there he was also able to meet other Latin American units we helped to send to that same area, from El Salvador, and Peru. M.G. just returned back to Mexico, we are working with him so that in the next year, to year and a half he can return full time to work with E.H. and his family.


From Mexico City to Serving Syrian Refugee’s

Another young professional from Mexico is Dr. N.M. from Mexico City, who we were able to help to send to another country to work with another one of our teams. This team is focused on Syrian refugee’s. Dr. N.M. was able to work this summer with our Argentine team there, and when they reported on how she was doing, they said; “It’s like we have known her for years, we do not want her to leave”.
She was able to treat several of the refugee woman, and use her medical profession as an outreach into the refugee community. She was also able to participate in what the team was already doing, in teaching of micro business, first aide, and discipling some of the ladies. We are working with  Dr. N.M. also to send her back to field full time, she is in her last year at Rio Grade Bible College, and when she finished she will be able to go long term.