
How Mobilization in Latin America is Impacting the Nations

By June 14, 2018No Comments
Coca Cola was founded 170 years ago and is accessible to 97% of the world’s population. The reason that this secular company has been so successful is because they never lost their focus as to what the objective was; a product easily accesible to the entire world. Jesus Christ commissioned the church to what  it’s objective was and is, to make the Gospel; the Kingdom of God, accesible to every nation, every ethnic group on the earth. But many times, our biggest success has also been our main obstacle; many churches have lost their focus as to our main objective. The purpose of the church of Jesus Christ is to much more about making disciples of every nation (people group), and not nearly as much about our elaborate programs, or buildings, but the nations.

Our Global Focus missional process challenges a lot of the church philosophy of today, and helps to return churches back to the basics, the reason the church was founded; His Mission; His Kingdom. Because of these paradigm shifts in chuches in Latin America, they are not longer seeing themselves as the mission field that need wealthier churches in the U.S. to come and build their building and hold their VBS. These same churches are now not only engaging their people people in hundreds of missional projects locally, but they are sacrificially sending their own church members to the nations to extend the Kingdom of God unto the unreached. Partnership with the churches no longer looks the same, it’s no longer about their buildings, or their local churches, but it is more about the mission, and the unreached. Read the rest of this report and see the correlation between intentional local church mobilization and the sending of new families to the mission field.