
Missions Conference at SETECA Seminary

By June 2, 2018No Comments
This week I have been able to preach and teach at the Missions Conference at SETECA seminary in Guatemala. This is one of the oldest, and the largest evangelical seminaries in Latin America. I believe that every seminary should be a launching pad for a new generation of missionaries to the nations. The first day I was able to challenge the students and faculty on the subject that “The church is not the goal, the Kingdom of God is the goal, the church is the instrument”. Many times students graduate from seminaries and feel that their job is to build their church. That is not the commission, the commission is to build His Kingdom, and the church is the instrument by which we build His Kingdom in all nations. 
The second day I was able to speak on “Turning our churches into Houses of Prayer for all Nations”, the third day; “Seeing the world from God’s Perspective”, how many churches just see the world from a local perspective and not a global perspective. Then today I was able to finish up the conferences by preaching on “Mobilizing every member to God’s Mission”; how our mobilization efforts should mobilize everyone to participate in His Mission / His Kingdom. I am convinced that if we can impact the seminaries, and challenge them to develop missional pastors that will mobilize their own people both locally and globally, we can make a much greater impact upon the nations. 
I also lead a “Missions Dialogue’’ with the students and faculty answering their questions about missions, but also showing them how God is already mobilizing dozens of Latin American missionaries and using them among the nations. I want them to think outside the traditional box, and imagine all God could do. God is already touching the hearts of many of these students, and we would love to help send some of them to the nations. Saturday Luis Marti and I will lead conferences with the Saturday students, and more local pastors, teaching them many of the principals of Global Focus.
I am excited about different opportunities God is creating for our ministry, that is why I am spending the next 2 years intentionally multiplying the number of Global Focus facilitators we have in Latin America. The only hope to continue to send this new wave, this new generation of missionaries to the unreached, is by multiplying the number of missional churches willing to send them.