
Guatemalans Impacting the Nations

By April 16, 2018No Comments
We started mentoring the Amigos Denomination a year ago, and have seen dramatic changes in their churches. The Global Focus process does not just teach missions lessons, but it literally helps mobilize the entire church to missions. That is what is happening in the Amigos churches we are mentoring.
Not only are they learning about missions but they are developing missional projects reaching marginalized areas in their own city and country, and now they are personally participating in Global Missions. This last week I was in Guatemala mentoring their churches, part of the leadership team we are mentoring presented their report from their first ever global missions trip.
This team of 9 Guatemalans where able to go to Cambodia and help establish a medical/dental clinic and also a bakery. These Guatemalan believers raised their funds in their local churches, they were commissioned, and participated in a 2 week missions project. Part of the team will remain until August to work in the newly established clinic. As they gave their reports, they all said how that this trip had forever changed their lives. They also said how grateful they were to be part of a missional process that not only helped them learn of God’s mission, but helped them develop relevant strategies to personally engage in what God is doing.