
How Latin American Churches are Starting to Impact the Nations

By February 8, 2018No Comments

Most of the churches in Latin America are smaller congregations, their offerings are not comparative to those of churches in the U.S. or Europe. None the less, churches all over Latin America are beginning to impact then nations, even among the unreached people groups. Global Focus is helping these churches through an intencional process, so that even smaller churches can embrace the challenge of Global Missions. Now, churches in Latin America are sending their own missionaries to some of the hardest places, these missionaries are planting the church of Jesus Christ amongst the unreached. They are sending short term missions teams to personally participate with the missionaries, their sacrificial giving reflect the priority of missions within their local church. Global Focus is not just teaching courses about missions, we are helping local congregations personally embrace the Great Commission by implementing missional strategies that mobilize their own church members both locally and to the nations. Below is just a very small sample of what God has been doing in churches we are mentoring in the Global Focus missional process.