
Iglesia de América Latina involucrándose con los no alcanzados

By October 28, 2019No Comments

Peruvian Church Engages the Unreached in Southeast Asia

This particular country in Southeast Asia is one of the most populated countries in the world, and known for persecution Christians. None the less, this past Monday Vida Nueva Church in Arequipa Peru was able to send a nurse from their church to work in a hospital in Southeast Asia. She will be working along side of Christian doctors and other Christian nurses in this majority Mslm country by being the hands of Christ for many.

The majority of people in this unreached people will never come in contact with a follower of Christ, but those that come in contact with this Peruvian nurse will encounter the love of Christ. Please pray that more Latin American churches, and more Latin American workers will engage the unreached by going on missions trips and sending their own church members to the nations. We are helping to raise up a new generation of missionaries to the unreached!