
Small Churches Making Global Impact

By October 12, 2019No Comments

Many times smaller churches think that missions is something only for larger churches, that they need to focus on their own community first in order to grow their church. Because they do not have a lot of finances, those finances need to be directed towards themselves and their facilities. Unfortunately most churches the first area they cut when the church decreases either economically or in attendance is their missions budget. But that would go directly in opposition to what the Scriptures teach, and what God commanded for the church. In I Cor. 16 God commanded for “all” the churches of Galatia to participate in the missions offering he was taking for the saints in Jerusalem.

So the command is clear, all church should participate in missions, whether large or small, whether with a large offerings or small offerings. The church exists for the mission that God gave it, and that mission is to make disciples in our Jerusalem all the way to the Ends of the Earth.