Global Focus is mentoring hundreds of churches in different Latin American countries and our goal is to expand even farther. This year we are launching in Argentina (where I just was a 2 weeks ago) and now into Honduras. Last year the Honduran Baptist Convention approached me about being their key note speaker, but also teaching their pastors about how Global Focus is mobilizing churches, and helping them to send their own missionaries.

This week I was able to preach and teach 7 different times at the convention and help then see how they could mobilize their own churches and they are capable of sending their own workers to the unreached. Praise the Lord, they actually have one Honduran family serving in Southeast Asia, but their desire is that by 2020 they could have at least 5 new families serving among the unreached.

Either myself or some of our other Latin American facilitators help mentor these initial churches through our 18 month process, then they will have the necessary tools to continue mentoring the rest of the churches of their denomination.

We did exactly the same process with the Venezuelan Baptist Convention. We started mentoring some of their key churches and pastors but now, literally every single week, Venezuelan Global Focus facilitators are mentoring over 100 churches and because of that, the Venezuelan churches are sending more missionaries than ever! Please pray for this new alliance, our ultimate goal is that the churches assume their proper role in the Great Commission, send workers to the fields, and more unreached have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of our great God!

After preaching the convention, I was invited to preach Sunday at 48th anniversary of FBC Betania in Progreso, Honduras. It was great speaking at the packed services of this great church that God has blessed these last 48 years. They believe that God can extend their imprint beyond Honduras and to the nations. So they are more excited about the future than the past.