This past week after launching Global Focus in Corrientes, Argentina, I was able to preach and teach 8 times at the CIMA Youth Missions Conference. It has been my honor and privilege to be the main speaker at this youth missions conference for the last 5 years. This year I was able to spend a lot of time with the nearly 600 young people at this conference, teaching on subjects like; Missions in the Middle East; Understanding Islm; How can I help mobilize my own church; Now that God has called me, what are the next steps, and many other related subjects. On Wednesday evening, which is the evening service in which the young people can make a public decision to God’s call on their lives, I spoke on the sunbelt of “One Task – One Mission”. At the end of the service nearly 300 college students, without any music, silently got up out of their sears, and came to an alter, where many stayed for over 45 minutes.