
Missional Sending

By November 21, 2018No Comments
This is when the church sends out its own members, not just to participate on a project, but to help expand the Kingdom of God in other areas. This month a Global Focus church in Venezuela is sending a couple to East Asia using their profession as a platform to expand God’s Kingdom. They will be working with a veteran team that is focused on church planting among that unreached people group.

Connect Global was able to help send out another young man from Bolivia to West Africa to work with a team of Latin American workers who are planting churches in that part of the world. So, going from a mission field to a mission force is viable, but there does need to be an intentional process to help take churches and people there. Please continue to pray for Global Focus Latin America and the facilitators who are teaching, mentoring and challenging churches all over Latin America to become that missions force.