
Missional Alignment

By November 21, 2018No Comments

This past week, myself and several of our Latin American facilitators where able to teach the 2nd and 3rd modules of our missional process.

Some were in El Salvador, some in Peru, some in Chile. I was in Bogota, and Zipaquira, Colombia this past week. In these modules we help the leaders understand that the church exists for the purpose of being the Instrument by which God desires to fulfill His Mission and establish His Kingdom in every nation. We help every church develop their own Missional Purpose Statement, and align every ministry around that singular mission.

Rick Warren says that trying to lead a church without a clearly defined purpose, is like driving a car in dense fog… it is easy to drift out of your lane. Many churches begin to drift from the original intent that God established for His church in the book of Acts. By looking to Christ and defining why He started His church, and then developing a purpose statement that declares His purpose for our church, and aligning around that mission, helps keep a church from drifting into other lanes. We also help the church to develop a structure and strategy to mobilize its own members in their own Jerusalem and all the way to the ends of the earth.

This is one of the purpose statements developed this past week: “Vida en Accion (Life Action Church) exists for the Glory of God, by being and making disciples that establish His Kingdom from our families to all the nations of the earth.”