
Celebrating God’s Mission; Peruvian Style

By October 20, 2018No Comments

Vida Nueva B.C. in Arequipa, has not only become a Global Focus model church in Peru, but 3 of the pastors of the church are Global Focus facilitators. They just had their 3rd Global Celebration in which they brought in missionaries from all over in order to continue to mobilize their own people even more. The theme of this years Global Celebration was “Súmate” which means “Join in”.


Pastor Paul Vargas has done an excellent job modeling the concept that “The pastor is the key mobilizer”, not only does he and his family personally participate in missions as the pastor, he actively engages his people to do the same. 
The purpose of celebrating missions does 2 important things:
 1. It establishes that missions is the priority of the church; we celebrate our priorities, 
2. It personalizes missions to every church member.
By bringing in the missionaries, it gives everyone the opportunity to hear what God is doing around the world. It also gives them the opportunity to join in on what He is doing by; intentionally praying, financially giving, and personally going.