
The purpose of Mobilization is sending new Workers, and Reaching the Unreached

By October 13, 2018No Comments
Mobilization is not an event, it is a process that has a purpose. If the end result of mobilization is not God being glorified by more people hearing the Gospel and following Christ, then we are just spinning our wheels. The end result of missions mobilization should be the sending of new missionaries and them taking the Gospel to those who have never heard. Then some of those who have never heard, coming to faith, follow Christ, and establish His Church where there was not church. In this update and next weeks update I am going to write about different stages of this mobilization process.
The Unreached are Responding to the Gospel and Following Christ!


We began to mentor the Venezuelan Baptist Convention 6 years ago, and help them send our cross cultural workers to the unreached. J.R. is one of those workers we helped to send out from Venezuela to West Africa 5 yrs ago. J.R. is a baker and has used baking bread as his platform to carry the Gospel to the unreached. He has not only planted churches where there were no churches, the unreached are now following Christ and publicly identifying with Him. This is the end result of local church mobilization; God being glorified where He was not glorified!