
Celebrating God’s Mission Mexican Style

By October 13, 2018No Comments
This past week pastor Mario Cano, Pastor of Getsemani B.C. in Puebla, Mexico (a Global Focus church, and facilitator) preached the Global Celebration for FBC Tecate, Mexico. He did a wonderful job at challenging the church to participate personally in what God is doing around the world.
The theme of the Celebration was “His Mission is Our Mission”. Pastor Isai Morelos has done a great at keeping the church aligned around the mission of God and getting his people to own the mission. This was their 3rd. Global Celebration, the church is now participating personally in missions trips and supporting Latin American workers in North Africa and Central Asia. They had over a dozen missionaries at their Celebration and the church was able to raise over $300,000 pesos (nearly $20,000.00 U.S. dollars) for global missions! God is being glorified!