
Vida Nueva sending out their second family to the Nations

By August 27, 2018No Comments

Vida Nueva (New Life) Baptist Church of Arequipa is one of our Global Focus model churches in Peru. All 3 of their pastors are Global Focus facilitators, mentoring other churches in our missional process. This past Sunday they commissioned their second family to the nations, a family to be “tent making” missionaries in Spain. Jose is a lawyer, who will be studying his doctoral degree, and Gabriela plays in the symphonic orchestra, and will be playing in Spain as well. It was during the last Global Celebration of their church last year that they spoke with me about their desire to move to the other side of the world, and leverage their careers to reach the unreached. Where they will be serving in Spain, not only are there hundreds of thousands of mslms that need to have contact with the Gospel of Christ, but it is also the gateway to North Africa. While in Spain, they plan on helping some of the Latin American families serving in North Africa. Please pray for the Ricalde – Caruachin family as they prepare to move to Spain, on Mission with Christ.