
Global Focus church in El Salvador launches it’s first cross cultural worker to Central Asia

By August 14, 2018No Comments
Two years ago we took C.V. from El Salvador to Central Asia on a project we do every years. C.V. there felt called to come return full time as a worker, but there was a problem; his church  did not know how to send him. After C.V. came back from that trip to Central Asia with us, Josue Villanueva, one of our Salvadorian facilitators started mentoring his church in the Global Focus process. Vida Nueva Baptist Church of Guatzapa, is not a large church, a little over 100 members, but none the less, this past Sunday they launched C.V. as their very first cross cultural worker to Central Asia!
So, here is a smaller church, in a smaller city of Central America sending their first worker to Central Asia! How is this done? The truth is, it is an intencional process. There are many young people like C.V. that feel that God has called them to the nations, but the difference was that C.V.’s church went through the Global Focus missional process. Many of these young people find it totally impossible to fulfill God’s calling on their lives. But because in our process we teach a church to step by step  engage it’s members locally, nationally, internationally and globally until they are sending their own people to the nations.


These same churches that years before would have never believed that they could do this area actually the ones doing it. So can God use, smaller churches from smaller communities in Latin America? Absolutely !