
Churches in El Salvador in the Global Focus process

By July 12, 2018No Comments

Josue Villanueva is mentoring several churches in El Salvador, and they are making great progress. Grace of God Church in San Miguel, is not only involved locally in missions, but now they for the first time are involved globally. Last year Josue was able to take the pastor to Central Asia on an exploratory trip, and now they are actively praying and supporting financially missionaries in this same region. They have developed their Global Teams, and each one is very active serving in their different areas. Now they are being mentored on how to conduct their first Global Celebration later this year.

Josue also started the GF process with a new church start up. Christian Action Church in Santa Ana, is a new church, but they want to start with missions in the DNA from the very beginning.   Josue was able to teach the leaders the Global Focus seminar last week.