
Training Event in Lima Peru

By June 30, 2018No Comments
Responding to the overwhelming demand for Global Focus in Latin America, we have been having different training events to help prepare new Global Focus facilitators in Latin America. This past week we had our second such event in Lima, Peru at Vida Nueva Church in La Molina. We had 30 pastors and leaders from Peru, Chile, Venezuela, and Bolivia come together for 4 days of training to learn more about  our missional process, how it is helping pastors mobilize their own churches all over Latin America.

They were also able to see first hand how members from these churches are engaging in missions locally and how they are engaging in missions globally. Our training schedule was very intense, from 9:00 am until 10:00 pm every day. I had help from our Central American director Luis Marti, also from our Venezuelan  directo Yovanny Alvarez, and our Peruvian director, Pablo Caruachin. Also pastors Carlos Diaz from Venezuela, and Pastors Paul Vargas, Mauricio Tejada (the director of Pioneers in Peru) and Oscar Loyola from Peru where able to help with the teaching load. 
But most importantly each pastor gave personal testimony about how Global Focus had impacted the life of their own church, and how it had helped them to mobilize their own people and engage them locally and send them to the nations.
Many of the pastors were overwhelmed as they heard these testimonies of how pastors of churches just like theirs are making such an impact in the Kingdom of God. Each one of the pastors left very challenged, but at the same time very hopeful that they too can mobilize their church to become a missions force for the Kingdom of God.