
New Opportunities in Colombia

By June 14, 2018No Comments
God has blessed Colombia and the Gospel has grown exponentially in this South American country that was once known for other reasons, but is know known for the large evangelical churches throughout. David Cardenas, who is the president of of COMIBAM ( a large missional network in Latin America) attended the Global Celebration last year in El Salvador at Miramonte, and saw how Global Focus had mobilized their entire church, not just a group within the church. Because of that, he invited me to begin the same process in his church and other churches in Colombia.
So this past week I was able to start the Global Focus process Vida in Accion Church (Life Action Church). Saturday I taught nearly 100 of their top leaders and took them through our initial seminar (which takes 6 hours), then on Sunday I was able to preach in both Sunday AM services, in which their where nearly 4,000 in attendance. God greatly challenged the leaders, and blessed in the services in which several came to faith in Christ, and hundreds decided to “be and plant the seed of the Gospel to the nations”. From there I went to Zipaquira, Colombia, where I was able to begin our missional process with another church of the same denomination, and 4 other area churches, and teach their 100 leaders all day on Monday. We are very excited to see what God is doing and will do in these new churches.
Also in Colombia, we have been able to mentor several churches of the Pan-American Mission. This past week I was able to continue with our process with the Centro de Fe y Esperanza of Bogota, mentoring about 50 leaders of the church. We helped them to develop local and global missional projects; one of the global projects is to send a doctor to serve with Syrian refugee’s this fall, which will be their first cross cultural project in the history of the church.