
Mobilizing more churches in El Salvador

By June 7, 2018No Comments

The Central American Mission was one of the first Evangelical denominations in El Salvador. The Central Church is the mother church to most of the Central American denomination churches in El Salvador, and is over 120 years old. Last year, the pastor and 4 of the elders where able to participate in our Global Focus intensive at Miramonte at their Global Celebration. They have decided that they want their church to become a Globally Focused church, and pastor Luis Marti has started to mentor them. This past week he met with over 120 leaders and taught them the Global Focus initial seminar. They feel that Global Focus is going to breath new life into this historical church. 
We are also mentoring the Church of God denomination in El Salvador. This is a denomination of thousands of churches. Our Global Focus team (Luis Marti; Josue Villanueva, and Fransisco Caceres) have been going through the modules with about 40 different missions leaders of their denomination. They started the process last year, and continue to mobilize this denomination for global missions. We are very excited about all the advancements Global Focus is making in El Salvador, and in Central America.