
New Facilitator Training in Mexico

By May 30, 2018No Comments

The reality is that the more facilitators that are mobilizing local churches through our missional process, the more missionaries that will be able to be sent from those churches. If you read our ministry update last week, you realized that this movement is not just about teaching missional lessons or even about mobilizing churches, but at our core, we are about the sending of new Latin American missionaries to unreached people groups.

We have now helped to send 60 units from Latin America. But, how can we send even more Latin American missionaries to the unreached? It’s not as much about mobilizing the candidate, as it is about mobilizing the church.We can mobilize people to go, but if they are not sent by local missional churches, then their process to get to the field becomes too difficult, and many give up in frustration. So in order to help facilitate a sustainable missional movement in Latin America, we are intentionally training more Global Focus facilitators this year. 

This week I was able to lead the first of 4 major training events in order to multiply the number of mobilizers – facilitators in Global Focus in Puebla, Mexico, at Getsemani Baptist Church (a church that is in the Global Focus missional process, that God is doing some incredible things). For 3 days, 17 men came from all over Mexico to learn how to not only mobilize their own churches, but to mobilize other churches.
The amazing thing about our training was that I did not have to do all of the training,  several of our facilitators helped out in the teaching, like Luis Marti from El Salvador, Pablo Carhuachin from Peru, Alejandro Sicilia, Victor Velezquez, Hazael Hernandez and Mario Cano, from Mexico. All were not only prepared to teach our material, but they also gave real examples of how Global Focus helped to mobilize the members of their churches, and how they have been able to make an impact in the nations!

During our training event there were many questions, and these pastors were able to share their own experiences. One of the unique concepts of our missional process is that it empowers the pastors themselves to become the major missions mobilizer in their own church. Our next training event is next month in Lima, Peru, we already have 27 registered for this training event. Then in the fall, we will have 2 more, one in Atlanta, and the other in El Salvador. Please pray for these training events, and for our intentional multiplication effort these next 2 years. Remember: Multiplying mobilizers = multiplying missionaries sent to the fields.