

By April 28, 2018No Comments
I am just now finishing up in Lima, Peru. After spending 2 nights with nearly 100 leaders of Vida Nueva, La Molina in Lima. We focused on our third module in developing the Global Teams, and missional projects that impulse the church outside of it’s own four walls. The laypeople presented 8 new missional projects that they themselves have developed. The strategy that they are developing, their passion, their intentionality was just incredible!  Not only that, the have made major paradigm shifts, now they have adopted out philosophy of “Every member, Every week in Every  Service and small group, praying strategically for missions and missionaries” God is raising up Vida Nueva to be one of Peru’s great missional model churches.
The same week I was in Chile and Peru, pastor Pablo Carhuachin, one of our leading Global Focus Latin American facilitators launched with churches from the Peruvian Baptist Convention in Piura (the northern part of Peru) and Independent Baptist churches in Chiclayo. He is now mentoring over 20 churches personally and doing a fantastic job mobilizing Peruvian churches.
I was also able to spend time with Pastor Oscar Loyola, whose church we mentored, and is now a facilitator. He just returned from Mexico from teaching missions for 3 weeks at Word of Life (Palabra de Vida Mexico). His church is know because through our process he is now sending his members not only to the ethnic indigenous areas of Peru, but also to the Middle East and Central Asia. I was also able to spend all afternoon with one of my very good friends, Fransisco Linares from Miramonte. He is the director of a very strategic Wycliff project in Peru, training new Bible translators from Latin America.
Also I was able to catch up with M.M who we sent to Southeast Asia for 3 months, and will be returning long term at the end of this year.
Like I said before, God is doing some incredible things here in South America. He is using His church to accomplish His purpose. Churches are awaking to their missional purpose and members are personally engaging in the mission. Please continue to pray for this movement of God, and all that He is doing.
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