
What God is doing….

By April 16, 2018No Comments
So during the month of March this is what God did: Argentines, Bolivians, Venezuelans and Hispanics from the U.S.  were able to minister in Central Asia; Salvadorians and Brazilians in another Central Asian country; Bolivians and Venezuelans in a totally closed Central Asian country, a Salvadorian and Mexican couple in the Middle East with refuge’s; Salvadorians in the Amazon Jungle of Peru; and Guatemalans in Cambodia.
So what are the 2 things that all of these teams have in common? 
1. They are all from a Latin America, proving that the mission field is becoming the missions force. 
2. They are all from churches that are being mentored or have been mentored by Global Focus in Latin America.
God is doing something unique in Latin America, and Global Focus is one of the tools that He is using to engage Latin American churches and christians to personally participate in His mission.