
Launching Global Focus in Panama

By April 16, 2018No Comments
On Thursday evening when I finished up in Guatemala, I was able to fly to Panama where we launched Global Focus with Iglesia La Fe. I met pastor Jorge in the COMIBAM meeting in Colombia last year, and he expressed his desire for his church to become a Globally Focused church. 
We were able to meet for 6 hours with 50 of his top leaders and take them through the initial seminar. On Sunday I was able to preach in both am services, and we had 5 people publicly profess Christ as their Savior! 
At the end of the service pastor Jorge called an emergency leadership meeting for Tuesday evening, and said we are going to start making some intentional changes in our church to focus on the reason we are a church; For His Mission! Then the entire church said a loud AMEN! Pastor Jorge then said, Global Focus will help us achieve our dream of sending Panamanians to the nations. We believe that this will be just the first church in Panama that we are able to help.