
Mobilizing Local Churches is the Answer to Reaching Unreached People Groups

By March 19, 2018No Comments
Two thousand years have passed since Jesus told us what He wanted us to do; “Make disciples in every nation (people groups). Even after 2,000 years, there are still over 6,000 unreached people groups. So what is the answer; how do we get from where were are to where we should be? 
We have to go back to the beginning; the Great Commission was given to the Church, and the way to reach the nations is when local churches intentionally send workers to these people groups. That is why mobilizing local churches is fulfilling the need among the nations. In Enfoque Global (Global Focus Latin America), we mobilize local churches in Latin America (now nearly 375 different churches, and 8 different evangelical denominations).
These churches are not only engaging locally in missions, but they are engaging globally in missions, and sending their own people to the nations. So the way to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ, is by mobilizing more churches. That is why I am excited that we now have several Latin American Global Focus facilitators, and seeing how they are mobilizing other local churches in the same missional process that helped to engage their churches in mission. It is my joy every week to write about our mobilization efforts in different countries in Latin America, but also write about the missionaries that we are helping these churches to send to the unreached, and new candidates we are on their way.
So more mobilizers, = more churches on mission = more candidates and missionaries to the field = more unreached able to hear the Gospel and worship God!