
Mobilization in El Salvador

By March 19, 2018No Comments

Pastor Luis Marti is now mentoring several churches in Latin America. This past week he was able to continue mentoring Maranatha Church of San Salvador.
This is a church that is learning that the reason they exist is not just to have weekend services, and build buildings, but to fulfill Christ’s mission to the nations.
Luis helped them develop their missional purpose statement, integrate missions into every ministry of the church, and develop a prayer strategy of praying every week for missionaries and unreached people groups.

Josue Villanueva another GF Latin American facilitator is mentoring Nueva Vida B.C. in El Salvador. This is a smaller congregation, but they are developing their Global Teams, and missional projects, locally and globally.
They are learning that the Great Commission is not just for larger churches, but Jesus even expects that smaller churches participate in His Mission.