
Our Schedule

By February 22, 2018No Comments
Xochitl just returned from Cuba where she was with our pastor’s wife, Suzie Hawkins, and several other ladies able to teach pastors wives from the Eastern Baptist Convention of Cuba. I was able to do the simultaneous translation of our pastor’s Men’s Conference with nearly 6,000 men present and tens of thousands watching the simulcast. It is my privilege to do the simultaneous translation every year for this great conference. Last week I was able to attend the Full Sail Leaders Support Raising Conference, where missional leaders from 110 different missions agencies and organizations came together to explore funding modules in order to send even more labores to the fields. This weekend Xochitl and I are in Puebla, Mexico and next week in Toluca, Mexico at the national COMIMEX missions conference with Luis Marti. Both of us will be representing Global Focus at this event.