
Puebla, Mexico

By February 8, 2018No Comments
Getsemani Baptist Church has been very involved in supporting missionaries financially. This past weekend I was able to take about 90 of their leaders through our 3rd module of developing their Global Teams and strategies, and preach in the Sunday services. Through the Global Focus process they are now not only supporting missionaries, but personally participating in missions.  This past year we were able to take 2 of their members for the first time on a cross cultural missions trip to work with Syrian refugee’s in the Middle East.
They also sent one young man to work in Haiti, and another is in Germany is working with refugee’s there. God is doing something unusual in this great church, not only are they financially supporting missionaries, now every week they are praying for them, and sending their own people to help in missions projects around the world. We believe that very soon, God will call people from Getsemani as well to plant their lives among the nations.